We’ve made it easy for you to be a legacy partner of Ignite Bible College and Seminary! If you believe in and support our mission and work, please consider supporting us with a legacy gift of $100, $500, or $1,000. As a legacy partner, you will receive updates on our progress, and be a special guest at our legacy banquet, where we will acknowledge all of our donors.
Whether you give on the legacy level, or if God has laid a different amount on your heart, you can give safely and securely by clicking the give online button below. We appreciate your generosity. To mail your gift, please use the following address:
4200 N Holton Street, Suite 125
Milwaukee, WI 53212
**Please note, that all gifts must be made out to Kingdom Faith Fellowship Church to be considered tax-deductible. If you give online, your electronic payments will automatically credited to the college from Kingdom Faith.
Ignite Bible College and Seminary 2024. All Rights Reserved.